S4G - Prequel - Preparing for Space for Grace - KB4

The Prequel - establishing the framework

- Foundational relational framework - learning and internalizing RESPECT Guidelines
Build in expectations of pluralism and different ways of integrating multiple identity...

- Foundational behavioural framework - learning and internalizing Mutual Invitation practice (including inviter taking a leadership/facilitation responsibility for ensuring the invitee is able to share safely)
Openness will expect we can start anywhere and have the confidence that we will encounter revelation of God... God was already in this place and in every place. [Is it useful to reference/sidebar this in both Scripture and UCA introduction to Constitution?] God belongs in all conversation - no matter where we start - so don't treat stories as secular, but as places where the sacred may be revealed.
"Culture is being like your place" (Tyson Yunkaporta - Yarning up Indigenous Pedagogies in Two way teachng and earning page 211). " “If I were with my own rocks and seas, there I can be content” (Irish artist Hector McDonnell, speaking on Songs of Praise, ABC TV Sunday 26th May 2011, concerning a moment when In London and he realized the source of his disconnection and isolation – his distance from his home-place and roots.)
Name the places where we sit - there we may discover our own identity.

- Foundational theological framework - broadening or Enlarging the Grace Margin by adding activities that build trust and confidence to live with difference (These are based on the components of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral - including the Anglican 'milking stool' origins on whch Wesley built). Expectation of revelation through the diverse voices in creation.

- Foundational procedural framework - Covenanting for Processes that Engender Trust - parking lot themes cannot be abandoned, but need a built-in mechanism where issues raised are respected and valued. Things can only get 'left behind' by mutual agreement. Naming desired outcomes should not overshadow the important theological factors/issues (and potential outcomes?) that are revealed through the discernment process. Agreed outcomes will be based on an holistic reading of what is needed for a wholeness of community. (Move beyond binary/dualism)

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