Sunday 2 July 2017

13. Covenant Blessing

While this blessing has been used in the blessing of couples,
it is also suitable for the blessing of blended families
and congregations coming together.
It is particularly appropriate when the preaching makes references
to the Covenants found in scripture, as models for our life aspirations.

Before God gave us a concept of Law,
God gave people a way of offering their lives and actions –
the things most dear to themselves – to God.
What God gave before Law was Covenant.
It is the most ancient of sacred trusts and promises.

In a Covenant, we declare something to be
set apart from the ordinary and to be known as Sacred.
We offer the declaration into God’s care, by faith,
asking that God will make the Covenant holy.
A Covenant is recognised as a gift of God
and a means of experiencing God’s grace.

In Covenantal relationships, we can know the joy of God,
who created us to live for God and one another.
When we recognise God’s love expressed in ‘the other’,
we discover a new reflection of God’s image.

Christ’s New Covenant with us is founded
in the love and generosity Christ showed to his Church,
so it is right that each new Covenantal relationship
should honour the gifts of God
and be celebrated among the people of God.
In recognising your choice to enter into a Covenant today,
this gathering asks God to make your relationships holy.
We ask God’s blessing upon you.

May your life together be faithful.
May you love one another as pilgrims on the way.
May your interactions be filled
with dignity, respect, tenderness and delight.

God fill your hearts and minds
with a growing spirit of deep joy,
that together you may proclaim God’s goodness
in your shared life.

In celebration of this Covenant,
we light this Candle to remember
that Christ’s light will illuminate your path.
Whenever the way seems dark,
light the Candle as a reminder
of God’s presence and gracious love for you.

(C) 2017, A.Koh-Butler

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